Effective Japanese diet for 14 days

salmon on the Japanese diet

It is quite difficult to meet overweight people among the Japanese. And the fact is that they have built the right eating habits for centuries. Therefore, in the struggle for an ideal figure, we also have much to learn from them. If you want to lose weight, a 14-day Japanese diet can help. It is quite strict, but the result justifies it.

The essence and principles of the Japanese diet

The Japanese diet, as we have already learned, will last two weeks. It belongs to the category of low-carbohydrate protein diets. The caloric content of the diet is low, the diet itself is difficult and you must first adjust to it. Experts say that with the right exit from the diet the result will last a long time, even without much effort.

The Japanese diet for 14 days is contraindicated for pregnant women and expectant mothers with gastritis, ulcers, some diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart. Before you start to stick to it, it is advisable to consult a specialist.


spinach with egg on the Japanese diet

If, when you hear about this diet, you immediately imagine the abundance of rice and seafood, this is not entirely true. Of the classic Japanese foods, your diet will contain only sea fish, boiled eggs and green teas. There will be no exotic products in the diet - everything you are used to and that is in every store in our country.

It is unknown why the Japanese diet for 14 days is so named. Some data say that it was developed in a clinic in Tokyo, others that the clarity and simplicity of the diet are borrowed from the Japanese. It also suggests a moderate composition of the diet and its caloric content, which is also not alien to the East. In any case, by making friends with this diet, you can get closer to the ideal of harmony that Japanese beauties embody.

The diet

The Japanese diet menu will be quite complicated. Its main component is the protein that the body receives from fish, eggs, chicken, beef, dairy products. Sources of carbohydrates - biscuits and some vegetables. It will take the necessary body fat from olive oil, which can be used for dressing salads and cooking, as well as from the same meat and fish. Also, the menu will saturate you with enough fiber, so the digestive system should work normally.

Coffee and green tea will be allowed, which must be natural and of high quality, without additives. They will not only help to invigorate, but will also saturate the body with antioxidants and help improve metabolism.

Although the diet has all the necessary components, it is very strict, so you can not increase its duration and repeat it more often than once every six months. If you feel severe weakness, headache, pain, then give up the diet and consult a specialist.

The drinking regime is very important. Drink plenty of clean, non-carbonated water to improve digestive health and control hunger.

The diet is also known as the Japanese salt-free diet. This means that the salt will have to be abandoned. If you really do not like the taste of food without it, use the minimum amount.

Features of

One of the characteristics of the diet is that it will be effective only if the plan is strictly followed. You cannot exchange days, meals, replace food with others. The only exception may be coffee in the morning, which can be replaced with a cup of unsweetened green tea.

Be prepared for only three not too filling meals a day and without snacks. At least a few hours should pass from dinner to bedtime. In the morning you should drink a glass of water - this will help start the metabolic processes.

Because the Japanese 14-day salt-free diet is very strict, you should not start it abruptly, especially if you have never differed in proper eating habits. In order not to disintegrate and not put the body under great stress, a few days before the start of the regime, try to give up heavy food and reduce portion sizes.

Expected results

fish and salad on the Japanese diet

The strict menu of the Japanese diet for 14 days, if you manage to withstand it clearly, will give you the opportunity to get rid of 5-8 pounds, depending on the initial weight and metabolism. In addition, its advantage is in the long-term result. The weight will not return once you return to your normal routine. And besides, you can do a powerful cleansing of the body, which will be felt both in health and in appearance. Not only will the figure get better, but so will the skin. Experts recommend the use of vitamin complexes during the diet.

Japanese diet for 14 days: menu-table

To make it easier for you to navigate, not to confuse the days and recommended foods, you can print out the table with the menu of the Japanese diet for 14 days, which will describe in detail what and when to eat.

Diet day Menu
Day 1
  • Breakfast - a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch - a salad of boiled cabbage with olive oil, a few boiled eggs. You can drink a glass of tomato juice without salt.
  • Dinner - about 250 grams of steamed lean fish.
Day 2
  • Breakfast - coffee with rye bread rusks.
  • Lunch - 250 grams of any fish, salad with vegetables, cabbage and sunflower oil.
  • Dinner - 100 grams of boiled beef, a glass of yogurt.
Day 3
  • Breakfast - rusks with coffee.
  • Lunch - a large zucchini, which should be cut into slices and fried in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • Dinner - 200 grams of boiled beef, two boiled eggs, a salad of fresh cabbage with vegetable oil.
Day 4
  • Breakfast - a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch - raw egg, about 15 g of hard cheese, a few grated carrots, seasoned with butter.
  • Dinner - any fruit other than grapes, banana and mango, a small amount.
Day 5
  • Breakfast - fresh carrot salad and lemon juice dressing.
  • Lunch - 250 grams of any fish, tomato juice
  • Dinner - fruits except grapes, banana and mango.
Day 6
  • Breakfast - a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch - chicken fillet or half a little boiled chicken. Carrot and cabbage salad with olive oil
  • Dinner - two boiled eggs, carrot salad.
Day 7
  • Breakfast - only green tea.
  • Lunch - about 200 grams of boiled beef, a small amount of fruit.
  • Dinner - You can choose an option for dinner from any previous day other than the third.
Day 8
  • Breakfast - carrot salad with lemon juice.
  • Lunch - 250 g of fish, tomato juice.
  • Dinner - two boiled eggs.
Day 9
  • Breakfast - a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch - 250 grams of steamed fish, tomato juice.
  • Dinner - fruit.
Day 10
  • Breakfast - green tea.
  • Lunch - carrot salad, raw egg, 15 g of hard cheese.
  • Dinner - 200 grams of boiled beef, salad based on fresh cabbage.
Day 11
  • Breakfast - rusks and coffee.
  • Lunch - vegetable salad and fish.
  • Dinner - 100 grams of boiled meat, a glass of yogurt.
Day 12
  • Breakfast - rusks and coffee.
  • Lunch - fish and vegetables.
  • Dinner - boiled meat, kefir.
Day 13
  • Breakfast - a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch - two boiled eggs, salad with boiled cabbage and olive oil, unsalted tomato juice.
  • Dinner - 250 grams of fish.
Day 14
  • Breakfast - a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch - boiled or steamed fish, salad with fresh cabbage.
  • Dinner - 200 grams of boiled beef, kefir.

This menu is for Europeans. The Japanese have a different diet option, where the daily menu will include 120 grams of fish, 400 grams of rice, 200 grams of fruit, 100 grams of milk, 60 grams of beans, 250 grams of vegetables, one egg and a few tablespoons of sugar. The products are divided into equal parts and consumed throughout the day.

The Japanese diet menu for 14 days includes a ban on the use of salt. Also, be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

How to get out of the Japanese diet for 14 days?

stewed vegetables on the Japanese diet

The 14-day Japanese diet, the menu for every day you already know, will only be effective if you get out of it properly. First of all, there are moments that should be expected and you should not be afraid only after the end of the unloading. So, in the first days you can lift 1-2 pounds back. This is due to the fact that the salt returned to the diet, due to which a little more fluid began to be retained.

Another predictable point lies in the fact that at the end of the diet you will want to "go down" and eat everything you were limited to. The desire is quite normal, but in no case should you give in. During the dietthe stomach has shrunk in size and overeating can have serious consequences. Also, many women who have tried the diet limit the amount of salt in the diet after it, which, of course, is only beneficial.

The general principles for quitting the Japanese diet are as follows:

  • You need to return to your usual diet gradually, gradually expanding your diet. You can add 1-2 new products to the menu every day, keeping the diet menu. It is worth starting with vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates. And the full return to a normal diet should occur no earlier than 7-14 days after the end of the diet.
  • Nutrition should be rational. Why suffer and maintain a strict diet if the next day you start overeating with simple carbohydrates and fats? The diet should be balanced, include plenty of protein, vitamins, fiber.

The foods on which the Japanese diet is based can be left as the basis of the diet and beyond. Lean meat and fish, vegetable salads, fresh fruits - all this is only good for the body and helps maintain a good figure. It is also worth keeping to a minimum the good habit of drinking plenty of fluids and consuming salt and sugar. Then, at the end of the diet, the extra pounds will not be scary.