Attack, Dukan diet: list of foods that are allowed weekly menu and recipes

The Dukan diet is one of the most popular in the world is here for decades. And that was when it all began, ' 70s French physician Pierre Duke in the middle of a diagnosis, the next patient came to her obesity. To cure this disease, then use low-calorie products of a very modest amount. Duke's decision to improve its power supply system is fundamentally different, not just one, but it would just help people get rid of excess weight continuously feeling hungry, but effortless to save and then is a good number.

dukan diet

Duke Pierre worked on his system for a few years now, constantly perfecting. In 2000 he published a book, "I'm not good weight" for it became an immediate bestseller, published in forty countries and language scores. Ketojenik diet Dukan diet as it is often called. The principle is this: except for the diet of carbohydrates, therefore the human body is forced to consume the accumulated energy stocks, with oil extraction. However, liver glycogen depleted in the first place and only then begins the process of free-the emergence of ketone bodies-ketosis – is in the process of evolution that creates the body adaptive response.

The only people that are safe and effective Dukan diet for a healthy pancreas.

Dukan diet phases

The ketogenic diet is the result of the four steps (sometimes instead of the word "phase" can be consumed in the diet is a word that fans of the "phase"). The first two goals, the reduction of body weight due to fat burning, and second – stability, maintain weight, and the results obtained.

Step 1. Attack

The first results obtained in this stage, weight loss. To start the process that helps with more than seventy kinds of protein products.

Step # 2. Alternation.

28 a change in your diet based on vegetables and meat products is added to the already protein and protein-vegetable day.

Step 3. Assy.

The scene that targets weight stability. Is added to your diet gradually, and the products with high energy value. To avoid effect, weight is returned when you leave and why are you "friends" with co-protein days.

The scene no. 4. Stability.

With the help of Dukan diet found in people at this stage wanting to keep slim figure, have to stretch a lifetime. To adapt it to be understood only three simple rules:

  • Use three tablespoons of oat bran every day.
  • At least a twenty minute walk, use elevators and rejection.
  • Here in meeting rooms of various sizes on the protein days once a week.

Basic nutrition principles

Never slimming calories it will lead to a good result! so – a diet that claim writes itself again and again. When he turned, only one person came back from your own perspective what they like and regularly nutrition, weight is back again. So, Duke diet developed when the body burns excessive fatty tissue in the first place and then completely stops it accumulates.

Hunger is not a threat to you. This policy in particular were the ones for the experiment, small portions of other diets. Limit yourself to the number of Duke Pierre prohibit product.

Without comment's too big. Even the most sophisticated gourmet finds him ideal for the foods that are allowed in the list. If you decide to try this diet before, that's what should always be a table. Hundreds of products this one plant a protein that belongs to the category of 72 and 28. And so choose which, and often have them, you decide.

Total sweep. Before starting the diet it is advisable to get all the products in the list are not included. Lift candy out of my sight, doughnuts, pasta, and grains and throw candy fridge clear of harmful mayonnaise, ketchup and sauces, cheese and sausage will be of a benefit which is forget. If the eye, you will come across forbidden, but the desire, "beauty", then you sit down and this diet will be much easier.

It is imperative dandruff. I would like a man that will be much oat bran. But unfortunately, can't do without this product. You must have a menu oat bran every day, because:

  • a feeling of fullness for quick help;
  • bowel to clean toxins;
  • that helps out the food scraps.
oat bran

Movement is life! Don't worry, you don't have to diet Dukan the gym to sweat out for hours, torture, and swimming pools part of the leg or the ear, desperate throw yourself in yoga class. During physical exertion, the operating system this method of weight loss very much appropriate, but necessary. Daily 20-minute walk accelerates metabolism, will make it split faster fat will keep muscles toned. It is a beautiful place, and this time you a little, gradually increase the duration. Useful important of physical activity is a joy. During the third phase a number of exercises or light exercises you can add to your diet in the morning for most "problematic" regions of the body.

It is necessary vitamins. Power state change to support the body and a little to reduce stress, take vitamins on a regular basis. As it is in the very stages of attack, except for fruits and vegetables completely, a good time to start drinking multivitamin complex, but certainly comply with the dosage specified on the package.

Dukan diet advantages and disadvantages


People Dukan diet is contraindicated gastritis, ulcers and other stomach disorders.
  • People often feel fatigue the first day on the diet. It's not fatigue, the body's response because this is not a diet inadequate diet and increased physical activity. Apathy and reluctance to get up on the couch, once completely the physiological processes in the body and psychological symptoms an increased amount of ketone bodies decreased the number of vitamin.
  • If you love to eat, then you need to think and almost a complete lack supplement a limited number will Product diet, maybe even do step away from it to no.
  • Individual intolerance for people who are allergic to products that are allowed without comment or there may be a problem, therefore, recommend a good doctor before embarking on a diet.
  • If a sweet tooth, then you decide to your favorite sweets can lead to depression. But this maneuver a maximum brain. When you refuse to set yourself what is important to the desserts, and after it has been reached, your ideal weight, sometimes I still indulge myself a small amount to ice cream or chocolate.


  • You choose yourself the favourite list of products a useful decision, when and what amount has it own.
  • Dukan diet – always guaranteed results, follow all the rules and requirements if you are successful to eliminate failure.
  • Fast and robust results in the first "rush" in a stage it is.
  • Easy to adhere to diet, home, or business time. There is even a rich buffet please any small amount of allowable meals.

Attack phase: weekly menu

The most difficult in both physiological, but also psychological in the sense that the first phase of the diet – attack, if you have a large number of more than ten days at a time, excess weight, and up to five days for the ones you need to reset only a few pounds.

dukan diet attack phase

Allowable foods:

  • meat (beef, horse meat, rabbit);
  • offal (tongue, heart, liver, kidney);
  • fish (boiled, fried, smoked, and canned fish without oil);
  • seafood (including, without limitation, types);
  • bacon fat (no more than 4 percent);
  • chicken skin (without exception, Goose and duck);
  • eggs (protein, without restriction, yolk – only a small amount, especially high blood cholesterol);
  • dairy products (low-fat cheese, milk, yoghurt ... without a piece of fruit, yogurt, baked milk);
  • the amount of oat bran, one-half tablespoons (you can add yogurt or eat them with their bread);
  • at least 1.5 liters of pure water on a daily basis;
  • tea, coffee (natural, soluble coffee chicory drinks), herbal teas, herbs, Lite in the category of carbonated water;
  • spices and seasonings (salt, in moderation, tomato paste, onion, garlic, basil, coriander, dill, parsley).

If you don't want to search for any recipes and new dishes that is coming, please use the following menu from a week.


  • Breakfast: three scrambled eggs and the addition of milk.
  • Lunch always, the answer is: soup, mashed potatoes, chicken, oat bran bread with mint tea.
  • Dec meal: yogurt, lemon pie.
  • Always in the evening, the answer is: mackerel baked in the oven, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: oat bran porridge with milk, a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch always, the answer is: beef, tea, chamomile.
  • Afternoon: boiled seafood.
  • Always in the evening, the answer is: slice turkey cooked in the oven, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: boiled egg, greens, a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch always, the answer is: steamed chicken patties, pancakes, dandruff, Yesil tea.
  • Afternoon: leaf roll, cheesecake, baked in the oven.
  • Always in the evening, the answer is: chicken meatballs wrapped red fish.


  • Lunch: sandwich (wholemeal tortilla + Ham), drink coffee.
  • Lunch always, the answer is: pamukyer mAh. ear, boiled eggs, onion, ginger tea.
  • Dec meal with protein instead of sugar whipped, soaked lemon juice.
  • Always in the evening, the answer is: baked fish arm, rose hips and fruit juice.


  • Breakfast: meat, chips, black tea.
  • Lunch always, the answer is: foil-baked chicken, Yesil tea.
  • Afternoon: Bran pancakes, yogurt.
  • Always in the evening, the answer is: fish, salad, mint tea.


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs, meat, or bacon, a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch always, the answer is: steak, black tea and lemon.
  • Dec meal, oat bran tortilla, flavored yogurt.
  • Always in the evening, the answer is: an omelet with onions and seafood, Yesil tea.


  • Breakfast: boiled egg, greens, and garlic, a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch always, the answer is: fried chicken breast tomato sauce, tea, chamomile.
  • Dec meal: oatmeal oat bran with the addition of vanillin.
  • Always in the evening, the answer is: tuna, yogurt.

Recipes, cooking, attack scene

Delicious mackerel, baked

For cooking you will need this:

  • hgt mackerel;
  • lemon;
  • greens (parsley, dill, coriander);
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • foil for cooking.

Mackerel split his head under the flowing water washing, and rinse the carcass with clean water to remove space under faucet using a paper towel, lay one more time. A few minutes after start, internal and external fish your wife Greens, sprinkle with lemon juice. Add salt and pepper. Wrap the water can flow out the slits to stick the foil to the mackerel. Bake in a preheated 180 degree oven for 20-25 minutes and put the product.

A simple recipe miss

Required materials:

  • 1 package low-fat cheese;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 4 tablespoons water;
  • 2 tablespoons flax seed;
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch;
  • sweetener;
  • vanillin;
  • a pinch of salt.

Chop in a blender or coffee grinder using flax seed to obtain flour. Mix all the ingredients. Emerging one that creates a homogeneous mass, leaf roll, cheesecake. Sheep on the foil pie pan or roasting them. Or foil Tart pre-A small amount of oil, any vegetable oil. At the village oven temperature is 190 degrees for 20 minutes. Especially delicious hot leaf roll, cheesecake, yogurt or fat-free sour cream.