Exercises to lose weight on the abdomen and side Secrets of effectiveness

Greetings, dear readers! It happens that the figure as a whole is quite slender. But excess fat treacherously accumulates on the abdomen and sides, heavily rounded, spoiling the figure and mood. In addition, getting rid of it is extremely difficult and diets do not help. Are you familiar with this problem? If so, then you should know that only well-chosen exercises to lose weight on the abdomen and sides will help to solve it radically.

By doing them regularly at home, you will not only remove the obvious excess fat, but will also improve your well-being and even health.

Here you will be presented with effective weight loss exercises in the waist area and separately for female and male audiences. As well as recommendations on how to properly apply them for maximum results.

Open mind about the benefits of exercise

Many of us have heard that physical activity burns calories. However, did you know that if you run 4. 5 km, only about 300 kcal will be consumed. And if you eat plain milk chocolate, you will get 600 kcal. That's 2 times more!

But I'm not saying this to dissuade you from studying. Exactly the opposite. I invite you to experiment with yourself. To do this, you need to practice for a month. And exercise at least 3 times a week. And then see for yourself the benefits of weight loss exercises.

Exercise and effects on weight loss

  1. Increase your intake of leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite. As a result, the desire to eat loses its strength.
  2. The tense muscles are in relaxation, which brings peace to the whole body. This means that the stress that provokes frequent trips to the refrigerator disappears.
  3. You are filled with a whole range of positive emotions, balance and self-confidence appear. And you know that's even more important than the scales.
  4. Pleasant muscle fatigue, a feeling of warmth in the body and air in the lungs.
  5. The sleepy effect allows you to stay too long with night snacks.
  6. Has a desire for a healthy lifestyle.

In this way, systematic training causes a general restart of the body. And make you a different person.

And this is equally true for both men and women.

Important warnings for beginners

The most important principle is to start small.

If you have never exercised seriously, are overweight or under 40, be careful. Don't deal with torture. Choose an activity you like, or use the exercises below. It is also possible in a light version.

In other words, when you train, you have to feel the tension, but you are not at the limit. Accumulate the load gradually.

Exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides in women

In this section I will describe an effective complex for the beautiful half of humanity. It is also suitable for beginners. It consists of only 4 exercises.

Start each workout with a 10-minute warm-up.

In the process of warming up, make rotations with neck, arms, legs. Squat, lean to the sides. Joint gymnastics will also be a good warm-up. You can easily find a video with it on the web. Here are the exercises of the complex:

  1. Side board - trains the abdomen and removes fat from the side. Lie on your right side, bend your right arm at the elbow and rest on the forearm. Stretch your legs straight, resting on the floor with your feet (their side surfaces). Place your left hand on your body. As you exhale, lift your pelvis off the floor, pulling your whole body into a string. At the same time, your abdominal muscles need to work as hard as possible. Freeze in this position for 3-5 seconds, then return to the floor slowly and carefully. Repeat five or 10 times. Roll over to the other side and repeat the movements. Accumulate the load by repeating up to 20 times.
  2. Straight curls - perfectly process the hair and abdominal muscles. Lying on your back, bend your knees slightly, feet on the floor. As you exhale, lift your shoulder blades off the floor. At the same time, pull your arms forward to touch your knees. Do not strain your shoulders and neck, your abdomen should work! Go down carefully. Do 15 reps. Gradually work until 20.
  3. Oblique twists: lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your legs slightly at the knees. Then, lifting the head and body, pull the knees to the elbows (right knee to left elbow, left knee to the right, sequentially), making bends at the waist and tightening the abdomen. Do 10-20 reps with each leg.
  4. Leg turns - also make the waist perfect. Sit on the carpet. Tilt your body back, leaning on your elbows and forearms behind. Extend your legs up and obliquely and press the sacrum to the floor surface. Now move your straight legs to the side, move slowly, working your abdomen and thighs. Then slowly return them and take them to the other side, return them. This is 1 set. Make such approaches at least 10, and better - 15 or 20.

You will definitely have a logical question: how often should you practice? Perform them every other day, and the result will be noticeable in a month.

Don't exercise every day - give your muscles time to recover.

Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides in men

The recommendations for men are the same: train during the day, warm up before training, gradually increase the number of repetitions. And here are the exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, lift your legs up with your knees slightly bent. When working with the press, raise your shoulders above the floor as you exhale, pull your arms forward to touch your knees. Try not to strain your neck and shoulders too much. Then gently lower yourself onto the mat while inhaling. Repeat 15-20 times.
  2. The position is the same - you lie on the floor with your legs raised at right angles. Hands - on the body. Now lift your pelvis up, pushing your legs up. Above is the exhalation, below is the inhalation. Repeat 10, 15 or 20 times as you can.
  3. Lie on your back with the middle ball in your hands. Bend down and lift your legs, lift your body and make turns with your body, taking the ball to the right and left. Do 10-15 reps in each direction.
  4. Stand with your hands behind your head. Now lift your folded legs in turn and reach for them with your elbows (to your knees). The task is to touch the knee with the elbow. Do 10-15 reps with each hand.

Life story

Another way of life

By the way, if your problem is the abundance of belly fat, then a few workouts won't help! We also need: dietary changes, calorie restriction and cardio. But it's not that hard.

A friend of mine was convinced of that. In general, he was quite slender, only his abdomen protruded strongly forward - there accumulated all the fat.

And the boy, do you think he started bodybuilding hard - does he pump his belly, does he make different boards, twists? On the contrary, he simply took daily walks for half an hour.

And then I started Nordic walking. Not to forget, he included active walks in the obligatory daily routine. That is, in your to-do list. At the same time, there are no significant changes in diet and lifestyle. After all, my friend often didn't give up a hamburger, and he also drank beer and chips.

But after a while, various delicacies began to lose their appeal. The magnetic properties of the refrigerator have also disappeared. We wanted to lead a different life. As a result, he developed a cheerful and optimistic mood. And although the belly has not gone anywhere, but that's just for now! Because my friend appreciated another pleasure - that which comes from physical activity. And captivate him.

And the stomach and even the sides are only a matter of time.

Vacuum for a thin abdomen

In addition, I will describe here a breathing technique that speeds up metabolism, improves bowel function and effectively removes fat from the waist area. That is, it literally works for weight loss. It's called an "abdominal vacuum. "

Anyone can do it at home. It is important to exercise every day on an empty stomach, drinking a glass of water with a slice of lemon 20 minutes before the start. How do I do this practice? The training includes the following stages:

  1. Exhale. Then inhale deeply with your abdomen and exhale slowly, with effort, completely removing the air.
  2. Now pull your abdomen up a little and towards your spine, trying to press it to your ribs. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, do not breathe.
  3. Exhale freely, relax your stomach and take 3 light breaths. Repeat the 3 steps 5 times.
  4. Finally, breathe calmly for a minute.

Additional recommendations

In order not to accumulate fat in the sides and abdomen, try to follow these tips:

  • avoid alcohol or indulge in it from time to time and in minimal doses - provokes hunger, increases cortisol levels and thus helps ensure that fat deposits appear right in the waist;
  • eat less foods made from white flour and those that contain starch, lean on green and red vegetables, fish, fiber;
  • drink 2 liters of clean water a day, it can speed up metabolism;
  • replace fatty and unhealthy snacks with something useful - dried fruits, chips, natural vegetable chips and fruits without sugar;
  • be careful with fermented foods (sauerkraut for example), they cause bloating;
  • additionally apply cardio loads - jogging, jumping, jumping rope, running on the spot will do the job;
  • Twist the hoop every day, just smooth, without pimples (they can damage internal organs).

Important point: 1 kg of fat is also 2 km of blood vessels, which means increased load on the heart.

Proven benefits of exercise

By the way, Canadian scientists recently conducted an experiment. In the course of which it turned out that regular exercise can significantly increase the body's sensitivity to insulin.

Why it's so important.

The fact is that high levels of insulin in the blood actively prevent weight loss and therefore weight loss.

However, most overweight people unknowingly have such high insulin levels.

Thus, experts from the University of Laval found that just 3 weeks of regular exercise leads to a 20% reduction in insulin. As a result, active weight loss processes are started.

I recommend the most useful material on how to get rid of greed through the connection. And also a contrast shower for weight loss.

That's all! Now you know exactly how to remove fat from barrels and reduce belly at home. And what exercises to lose weight on the abdomen and sides should be used. I sincerely wish you to find energy and mood for your training and get the expected result!

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